Norman the Waffle, pt. 2

As frightening as we must all be imagining Norman’s current position to be, he was taking it rather well. He and the two other waffles had discussed their situation and figured that Norman must have been accidentally mistaken for Norm Waffle, the famous Astrowaffle.  The two other waffles, named Frinty and Mugber, were friendly and kind and helped him feel as relaxed as possible. Mugber explained the controls of the spacewaffle and told Norman the Read more…

Norman the Waffle, pt. 1

Once upon a time, there was a waffle named Norman. Norman had had a fairly average childhood and was just about to turn five days old. Five is a big birthday for waffles, as it marks the beginning of being an adult, Norman was very excited. But it was still only his fourth birthday, and his family wanted him out of the house because, they told him, they were setting up for his surprise birthday Read more…

The Journey Begins

Welcome friends! The question, “What if…?” is increasingly informing our journey through life together as a family. Stretching into new potential, flexing into fresh possibilities, and giving our dreams air time has fashioned life into an exciting “soul-schooling” experience where we find that the more we follow our dreams the more our souls expand and bloom. After a year and a half of extreme home-based living due to the societal upheaval visited upon the world, Read more…