Norman the Waffle, pt. 4

With everyone seated, Norman began his tale: “Seven years ago, Frinty, Mugber and I landed here by the Eastern edge of the Southern tip of the black sea. We thought we were going to land on the moon, but as soon as we stepped from the spacewaffle door, it was evident that we hadn’t. I must admit, I was enchanted with the strange scenery, so new to me and wonderful in its newness. I had Read more…

The Golden Corral

Last Thursday we went to the “Golden Corral”, what we affectionately call an “all-you-can-eat Stuffet”. It was both a late celebration of our arrival in Florida and a treat because most of us haven’t been in a restaurant in more than a year, and Truett never has! We decided to get there early, around 4:00 PM, to be in between the lunch and supper rushes. We started getting ready at around 3 and got there Read more…

Fruit Leather

Ingredients: 4 cups of applesauce 3 cups of strawberries frozen or fresh 2 cups of cherries frozen or fresh 11/2 cups of blueberries frozen  1 tbsp Lemon juice (optional) Instructions: Blend everything together in a blender or a food processor. Lay out parchment paper on dehydrator trays. Pour fruit mixture on trays and spread evenly with spatula. Stick the trays in the dehydrator. Dehydrate for 6 to 9 hours until nice and chewy. When fruit Read more…

Florida Thunderstorm

What are the chances of getting hit by lightning? Are they higher if you are riding a bike on the sidewalk in the middle of a Florida Thunderstorm? It’s the rainy season here. Almost daily in the late afternoon, an incredible amount of rain falls from the sky amidst a powerful array of lightning bolts and corresponding thunderclaps. The rainclouds are often quite localized and rarely stay overhead for more than half an hour. In Read more…

Norman the Waffle, pt. 3

Immediately upon their return, Frinty and Mugber petitioned the space company to send them back with a team to fight the terrifying pancakes and avenge the brave young waffle, Norman Waffle. Unfortunately, the space company had lost all their research and no longer knew how to build space machines. They said they would try to aid Frinty and Mugber’s intentions but that they had to start from square one, and it would take years to Read more…

August 19

We’ve settled into somewhat of a rhythm over the last three weeks. Sunny and Tobin have taken to long early morning walks together (up to two hours every day!). They came home the other day with the intention to begin picking up the trash they passed on their walks. They now go out in the mornings with a garbage bag and fill it by the time they come home… making Florida a little more beautiful Read more…